Sessions run Fall, Winter, Spring and

Summer in Pakenham

Sessions run on Tuesday's and Thursday's

4:30pm - 5:30pm, Stewart Community Centre

Cost varies each session.


for current session registration details.

Facebook @5SpanStrong

Instagram @5SpanStrongKids

5 Span Strong Kids

In Canada, less than 1 in 5 children meet the

national guidelines for daily physical activity,

sedentary lifestyle and sleep pattern


These trends are accelerating the risks of a

memory, focus and learning deficit,

behaviour challenges, symptoms of anxiety

and depression, obesity and more in our


5 Span Strong Kids is focussed on resetting

the health education play script following

opportunities science is also high lighting

that can help.

Under the direction of health and fitness

leaders, educated in the modern

opportunities, children ages 5 to 15 learn

how movement, outdoor play, cold water

plunges and breathing techniques support

their physical and mental health.

By teaching children, the power of their own

physiology, we empower our kids to be strong,

mentally, and physically to take the lead on

building their own full potential story.

Five Focus Catagories

  1. Outdoor MOVEMENT matters!

  2. BREATHING matters!

  3. SLEEP matters!



Through a series of age appropriate activities, lessons are re-inforced to help the children experience the power of their own physiology.

5 Span Strong Program Expansion

We are always looking for ways to expand and grow our program to reach new children in the Ottawa valley and surrounding areas!

We are currently looking to start a similar program in Arnprior /McNab Braeside, with the main focuses being; outdoor movement, breathing, sleep, community & connection, and nutrition & hydration.

If this interests you, please add your contact information in the space below and we will contact you regarding the program expansion!